Mirante Law firm


The Italian Law Firm Mirante was founded in 2005 by Michele Mirante and has its main office in Rome, at the center of the eternal city (Prati) close to the Civil Court of Rome and the Italian Supreme Court of Justice  (Corte di Cassazione). A second office is located in Catanzaro (Southern Italy).

 The components of the office are:

Avv. Michele Mirante                 Attorney at Law                

Avv. Stefania Scaramella           Attorney at Law

Dott.ssa. Delia Somma              Modern and Contemporary Art Consultant  paintings - antiques books


Areas of practise:

Our offices advice and and offer contractual and legal assistance mainly in  Italian Civil and Labour Law and International Law specifically in the following areas of practice:

  1) CIVIL LAW                                     a) Contractual, Domestic and International Assistance;

                                                                   b) Inheritance Law, Torts liability;

                                                                   c) Real Estate Negotiation and Drafting - Sale and Purchase Contracts;

                                                                   d) Taveller's and passenger's rights:flight delays, cancellations, overbooking, delayed baggage delivery;

                                                                   e) Art Law, domestic and international sale and purchase of artworks (paintings) and antique books

                                                                        by private treaty and by auction (estimation of modern paintings and  antique books).


2) LABOUR LAW                              f) private and public labour law in general;



 Languages:  Italian, English.


On-line legal service:

Mirante Law Firm also offers an on-line consulting service in its specialized areas of practice.

It allows clients to receive an on-line  assistance: a fast answer/advice will be sent to each request: first by e-mail and later by  letter.

The service is not free;  clients are kindly requested to know about general condition to send an e-mail to Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo    


How to contact us:

By email: Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo     pec: Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo  

By telephone/fax + 39 06    or + 39 339 8165091

Address: Studio Legale Mirante

                 Piazza dei Martiri di Belfiore, 4 sc. I int. 4

                 00195 Rome - Italy



Studio Legale Mirante: Piazza dei martiri di Belfiore, 4, 00195 - Roma - Telefax. + 39 06 mobile 339/81.65.091 - info@mirantelaw.com